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Preventing Early School Leaving (ESL): Boost your creativity through experiential learning

Some Intro

Early School Leaving (ESL) is directly connected to unemployment, social exclusion and poverty. Personal or family problems, learning difficulties, conflicting dynamics, a difficult socio-economic situation are all factors that influence students to drop-out from school prematurely together with the pedagogic methods, the school climate and the relationship teacher-pupil. Today is more than important to work on these factors to prevent and fight ESL and conflicts.

In this course, participants will understand the experiential learning methodology and learn how to become creative in order to offer a stimulating and engaging learning context. With this form of active learning, all learners and their diverse needs are at the centre of education. They are the actors of their own learning.


Who is this course for

Teachers, trainers, educators, school administrators, etc.

  • School principals & directors (primary & secondary)
  • Teachers (primary & secondary)
  • Academic staff (tertiary)
  • Directors & personnel in International coordination offices (tertiary)
  • Entrepreneurs & people involved in startups (education)
  • Social entrepreneurs
  • Directors/managers (companies/NGOs)
  • Personnel/staff responsible for the business development strategy of their organisation
  • Individuals involved in startups, networks of excellence & innovation
  • Trainers (formal & non formal education)
  • Individuals with interest in entrepreneurship in relationship to education
  • Parents



This course aims to provide teachers, headmasters and education staff with knowledge, tools and methods to prevent and tackle Early School Leaving (ESL). Since there is not a single reason for early school leaving, there are no easy answers and a holistic approach is needed. During the course the participants will learn how to identify the causes of ESL and the best approaches and strategies to prevent, tackle and reduce it. The nature of this course is highly practical and hands on, through group dynamics, role plays and practical activities.

The general aim of this course is to empower participants to tackle ESL while sharing best practices and experiences with fellow participants and trainers throughout all Europe gaining as well a broader understanding of ESL context all around Europe.

The course doesn’t offer quick solutions. Instead, it shows how to achieve sustainable results in the long term with holistic, systemic approach. During the course the participants will learn how to identify the causes of ESL and the best approaches and strategies to prevent, tackle and reduce it.



  • To understand the causes and effects of ESL as well as the relevant European trends;
  • To learn about the dynamics and characteristics of conflicts and the most effective strategies to prevent and manage them;
  • To reflect on the role of the teacher in preventing ESL.
  • Understand the importance of stress factors and the benefits of reducing them in order to prevent ESL.
  • To learn to apply the experiential and active learning methods in everyday thinking.
  • To find solutions and take measures to avoid exclusion of people with fewer opportunities
  • To use a wide range of idea creation techniques to create new and worthwhile ideas;
  • To develop communication, collaboration, presentation, problem solving, negotiation, critical and creative thinking skills
  • To learn strategies for students with fewer opportunities so as to give access them to formal and non-formal education for empowerment and inclusion in school and society
  • To know and to apply creative drama intercultural techniques to plan for and design inclusive education environments for learning.



We tailor our working methods based upon the participants‘ needs and professional profiles in order to ensure easier adaptability and application of the tools to the real life.

Our methodology is based on active learning and it is highly participative and practical. We have a hands-on approach that comprises group exercises, role plays, experiments, case studies and simulation exercises. Structured activities, step by step instructions and all necessary information will be provided to the participants as resources in a package at the beginning of the course. New activities and materials could be added according to the needs of the training group.

We use collaborative learning techniques to foster the exchange of good practices and collective learning. The pedagogical methods used in this training course are based on experiential learning and learning by doing. Our focus is on showing the participants how the learners’ motivation increases when they become the actors of their own learning because the teacher takes the role of facilitator or learning guide. Thus, the participants get the chance to experience on themselves the benefits of the experiential learning methodology at the same time as learning how to apply it in their classroom.

Based on formal, informal and non-formal learning, our methodology will try to stimulate active participation, pro-activity, responsibility and sharing of problems and thoughts of all participants involved. In this way, we aim to build a diverse and stimulating environment for studying, reflecting and working. It has a horizontal and practical approach and will make use of the following tools: face-to-face lessons, experiential learning, team-building and team-working, best practice case-studies, driven simulations, role-play, study visits, focus-group, daily evaluation through self, group assessment, etc.


Agenda/Course schedule

5 days programme

Day 1

  • Course introduction
  • Team Building exercises
  • Needs and expectations evaluation
  • Presentation: Early School Leaving in Europe
  • Introduction to Early School Leaving and inclusion at European level – what has been done so far?
  • Reflections on current early school leaving causes and presentation of learners’ experiences about early school leaving
  • Intercultural setting: Connection between culture and inclusion.


Day 2  

  • Education For All. Multicultural or intercultural education?
  • Aims and objectives of inclusive education. A teacher as inclusive promoter
  • Creativity: 21st Century competences, creative solutions through creative learning methods.
  • Workshop: The COLB method for creative teachers.
  • Mediation and negotiation tools in the fight against exclusion of people with fewer opportunities

Day 3

  • Creative Drama in Education: Effective Communication through Drama
  • Drama as a Social Inclusion Tool for Refugee Integration, Child Abuse, Child Labor, Special Needs etc.)
  • Drama in Education -Ideas to prevent early school leaving
  • Workshop: “Theatre of the oppressed – Forum theatre”
  • Resources and best practices to empower a multi-dimensional and holistic response to early school leaving


Day 4

  • Stress factors and their connection with ESL.
  • Positive and negative stress - Intrinsic motivation and reinforcing positive behaviours
  • Stress Management Technique - Self-control: Avoid Stressful Situations; Expectations and Ambitions;
  • Stress Management Technique – Reframing: Unbiased Point of View; Change your Attitude; Evaluate the Importance;
  • Assessing personal stress levels; Personal resources to cope with stress;
  • Techniques to prevent, reduce and combat stress.


Day 5

  • Key competencies to encourage students personal values and create a welcoming learning environment
  • Finalization of the preventing dropout startegy.
  • Course roundup and final evaluation
  • Validation of learning outcomes and certification ceremony
  • Additional training session tailored to specific needs (optional)


ESL Venue and Dates


13.02.2023 – 17.02.2023 Larissa

05.06.2023 – 09.06.2023 Skiathos Island

10.07.2023 – 14.07.2023 Mount Olympus and nearby costs

16.10.2023 – 20.10.2023 Thessaloniki